workinafrica Assistant Photographer Photo Designerz
Rate Photo Designerz
Photo Designerz
Country: Nigeria
City: Delta
  • 0Recommendations
  • 2Applications
  • Posted: 27 March 2015

Photo designerz, is photo and video coverage company located in warri,delta state.

Assistant Photographer




  • Minimum Qualification: OND
  • Required Experience: 5 years


Working with clients to discuss the images they require and how they want to use them; Seeking out appropriate photographic subjects and opportunities; Carrying out research and preparation for a shoot; Working in different locations and in different circumstances to get the right image; Using an extensive range of technical equipment, including cameras, lenses, lighting and specialist software; Communicating with photographic subjects, putting them at ease, encouraging them and directing them;

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    Nigeria - Delta
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