
Everyone Needs a Champion

Posted by Admin on 17.12.2015 in category: Voluntary News

Why do children need someone to encourage and trust them?

 Young children are like a sponge. They absorb every bit of information they find. In early ages they like to explore and are very curious about everything, so they need someone who gives them the right support. If children cross upon success in what they do they will tend to learn more and more.

 An important place in a children’s life is occupied by their teacher. This person has to encourage all pupils to learn and break their limits. Rita Pierson says very clear in this video about her experience with a test of 20 questions she gave at a class. She noted the child who had only two right answers with +2 and a smiley face: “You see, "-18" sucks all the life out of you. "+2" said, "I ain't all bad.”  

  In order to learn more about the process of learning which teachers have to apply watch the video below. Rita Pierson was a person “with heart and humor” as TED TV producer, Juliet Blake, said. Enjoy!

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